Premium VPS Hosting 60 GB (1 month)



  • 2 CPUs
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 60 GB storage


Are you planning to upgrade from shared hosting and you want to try a VPS server? But you still need some assistance as you are just starting out as a server administrator. You can start by subscribing to our Premium Virtual Private Server with technical support.


For only 1,250 pesos monthly, you will have a private server that is secure, reliable and has lots of system resources enough to power your applications such as up to seven (7) websites, fifteen (15) music bots, three (3) radio stations and unlimited TeamTalk Servers. Plus it includes limited free technical support, list of server commands, TeamTalk scripts, weekly backup and regular system updates.


A domain name is required before you can purchase a VPS hosting from us.


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